All of the helpline staff at Y2Y are between 16 and 21 years old. They are both male and female, from a diverse range of backgrounds, religions and cultures. Some go to school or university, others are unemployed or work – they are normal, everyday young people. All of the helpline staff are volunteers who give up their spare time because they really believe that Youth2Youth can make a difference.

The helpline staff have been trained in necessary skills that they may need in order to help young people. They are all good at listening, understanding and have skills in helping young people to help themselves. Although not counsellors, they provide a confidential, friendly, professional service. If a young person needs additional help, they can be offered information about other appropriate services to which they can refer themselves.

A trained professional counsellor supervises all of the staff on the helpline. It is the supervisors responsibility to ensure the helpline staff are given support in helping callers and that they are fully debriefed at the end of each “call”. The supervisor allows all staff to explore their own concerns and feelings before leaving their shift on the helpline.